Monday 22 February 2010

Finally - a conclusion

As you'll already know if you've read all the blog you'll realise that we had an excellent time. New Zealand is a wonderful country, with fabulous scenery and really friendly and helpful people. The roads are good, and (certainly when we went) don't have a lot of traffic outside the major cities, so driving is easy and relaxed.

You sometimes hear people say that New Zealand is like England was 50 years ago. I think that's a bit unfair as it makes NZ sound backwards, which it certainly isn't. But what is 'old-fashioned' is the politeness you get everywhere, the fact that everyone is willing to help, the quietness of the roads - and very refreshing all that is. Also little things like the fact that most cafes, bakeries and even supermarkets sell fresh, made on the premises, sandwiches.

So if you ever get the chance to go to New Zealand then go. Do your planning then go to a specialist travel agent/tour company (we used Kirra Tours in London, and they were excellent - thanks Hayley). And, like us, you'll have a superb trip.

Thanks to everyone who has followed this blog to the end.

That's all folks...